Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Thumbscrew

Ok, so I realize that torture devices is kind of a weird topic to have, and it probably makes me look like a total psycho, but I promise I’m not. One of my brothers did a paper about all the different types of torture devices the different countries and cultures used, and I thought it was really interesting. There are so many different forms of torture out in the world, and it’s crazy that they were actually used on people, and some are still used!

The first device I’m going to cover is the thumbscrew. Basically, it’s exactly what it sounds like – a screw for your thumb. The person who was being tortured would be forced to put their fingers into the thumbscrew, and then the torturer would tighten the screws until the victim’s fingers were crushed. A bigger version of the thumbscrew was made to be used on feet, and does essentially the same thing. Ouch!


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Kate said...

I find your blog to be very interesting. It is quite amazing what we put people through.

Major Question said...

Bethany ~ Your black background creates a very fitting mood for discussing torture. It takes on the same feel as your subject. The pictures and sketches from past centuries hopefully mean that these methods are no longer practiced today.

Major Question said...

Bethany ~ Your black background creates a very fitting mood for discussing torture. It takes on the same feel as your subject. The pictures and sketches from past centuries hopefully mean that these methods are no longer practiced today.