Sunday, October 21, 2007


One of the most infamous forms of torture is crucifixion. I thought I'd write about it because we've all heard about it, but I didn't know how many people actually knew everything that occurs to cause death.

The Persians were one of the first nations to use it, and many others followed. The victim would be bound to a cross with ropes or in severe cases, nails. Before the actual crucifixion occurred, the victim would be beaten and whipped. The beatings cause the victim to go into shock before even being on the cross. After the flogging, the victim would be forced to carry part of the cross, which weighed over 100 pounds, to the place where the crucifixion will occur. The nails used to attach the victim to the cross cause extensive nerve damage, which is extremely painful. Once the cross is lifted up, all the weight of the man is on the two wrists, which causes elbows and shoulders to dislocate. In addition to that, the victim isn't able to breath properly because of how their body is positioned, and speaking becomes very painful. I could go on for days with the details of everything that happens, but I think that you have the basic idea.



fue said...

wow, the crucifixion was pretty painful then. Why isn't that they chose to torture them this way? Do you know?

Betsy said...

I don't know...maybe they just wanted something really painful and humiliating, and this is what they come up with. Some people are just sick.

Grant said...

Just sounds like a very public and painful way to die.