Friday, November 9, 2007

The Spanish Tickler

It sounds like it might be something fun or amusing, but the Spanish tickler is anything but ticklish. When I saw the picture of it, I thought of Edward Scissorhands, which, if you've seen it, is what I'm sure you though of as well. Basically, it was a series of metal knives that were grouped together like animal paws. It was sort of an extention of the torturer's hands, and brought about tremendous pain. It was used to literally rip skin away from the victim's body. I don't think I'll ever look at being tickled the same way...


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1 comment:

Major Question said...

I am picturing this gripped in someone's hand and used as a bear uses his claws. If this was used in a fight, it would extend the reach of the person holding it. Their opponent would be at a disadvantage since they could not get close enough to strike.